Gleason's Software & Services
Software & Support for Charitable Gambling
Our Software: The Charity Program
You don't need to be a computer expert to experience the benefits of our software!
The Charity program allows you to quickly and easily:
Enter inventory and game results
Enter checks and deposits
Produce all the GCB and Revenue report forms
Create e-files for monthly reporting for the GCB and Revenue
Print physical inventory (LG846) with"check off" boxes, for any date at any time
See the “Inventory by game type” for each Site/Premise and the total inventory
See the history report for all of the games on any invoice
Know where you stand on your Star rating for your organization
Look at any six months of F or G1 information all on one printed page
See the current month and the year-to-date on each Site or the total Organization
And more!
The Charity program can be installed on multiple computers, and you can easily share your records on the internet with anyone you choose.
Any PC/Windows computer bought in the last five years will work with the program. It will work with any version of Windows including the latest update. If you have a Mac computer, you can still use our Charity program. There is a facility available named "Parallels" that allows the Mac computer to run Windows programs.
Organizations who use our software may allow the accounting people who perform the required annual audit/financial review to use our software without charge to access customer information for annual audit purposes - have them email us. Many accountants use the Charity program, so you can easily share your information with them.
There is no charge for trying the Charity program - trying it and getting started is free. The 'Getting Started' section of the User's Guide walks you through the set up. The User's Guide is on any computer where the Charity program is installed.
Help is always available at any time, for any question. The phone numbers are on the main screen of the Charity program. You can also get help doing a month’s reports at your place if needed. The only additional charge is travel costs to your place from the Twin Cities.